Is Nepal the second richest country in water resources?

"Nepal is the second wealthiest nation on the planet after Brazil". When I was in school, I heard this announcement as a myth. Be that as it may, my grandma burned through one hour of a day to convey a can of water from a spring minimal a long way from my town. Thereafter, when she couldn't convey the water because of her age, I and my mom conveyed the water not from springs but rather from a tap that is very close than the spring. At those time I had seen many question between ladies in regards to for the water at the tap. This procedure kept running for quite a while. These days, the circumstances turn out to be more extreme than that, individuals are obtaining jug water from the shops. I have approached myself ordinarily that question for quite a while. I think most about the Nepalese individuals including profoundly taught still trust that Nepal is the second wealthiest nation on the planet after Brazil. Notwithstanding, the above circumstance is a delegate instance of this time. This is the perfect case for water shortage according to Nourishment and Farming Association (FAO) meaning of water shortage. In spite of the fact that Falkenmark (1992) characterize the water shortage like this; the nation will confront water stress or water shortage if the per capita yearly renewable water accessible is under 1700 cubic meter. How much per capita water accessible for Nepalis?

Firstly I need to give data about water assets. Water have many purposes. Life in our planet is just conceivable because of the water. So the water is the life. Drinking, sustaining, vitality, offices and even to breath water is basic for people as well as every single living being. The wellspring of water is Sea or saltwater that holds 97.5% of earth water. Just 2.5% of water is new water. Among the 2.5% of water 68.9% is in the icy masses and perpetual snow cover, 30.8% is inside groundwater and soil dampness. Presently lakes and the waterways have just 0.3% of freshwater. On the other hand 65% water is green water and just 35% of water is blue. Blue water is the water which is available to individuals. Water in lakes, waterways, and groundwater are under blue water assemble; soil dampness, block attempt stockpiling, and vapor water are under green water. Green water is not available to human utilize. Blue water is the main sources our motivation. Renewable freshwater is inward stream streams and groundwater from precipitation in the country.The major renewable freshwater sources in Nepal are talked about thus. The Himalayas scope of Asia holds a greater amount of the world's ice sheets and lasting snow cover than anyplace past the shafts. It is known as the Third Post moreover. The area stores 10 percent of all freshwater non-polar ice and snow. The lion's share of this sums have a place with Nepal-Tibet outskirt. We have more than two thousand ice sheets lakes, water assets inside and out 5,358 lakes altogether. Nepal has water assets. In generally more than 15 km3/yearly water can be utilized without consumption of ground water table, be that as it may, this figure can be expanded in light of the fact that there is just few research on groundwater hydrology in Nepal. Groundwater is the significant wellspring of savoring water Kathmandu valley and water system in Terai locale. However our quality is the waterways, we have more than 5,500 streams, inside our limits, and every one of them are the tributaries of Ganga Bowl. The Ganga is third waterway bowl on the planet having most extreme normal release (after Amazon and Congo Stream). Nepali waterways contribute 70% of the dry season stream and 40 % of the yearly stream of Ganga Stream. Yearly release however Nepal is 224.5 (km3/year) (Water and Vitality Commission Secretariat, 2005) barring water from Tibet.Brazil is in the top position having the most measure of renewable water assets of 8,233 km3, taking after by Russia, US, Canada and China.

Is Nepal the second wealthiest in water assets? On the premise of above circumstance and insights, we can without much of a stretch say that Nepal is not second wealthiest nation in water assets. By the by, hydrologist utilizes another unit to gauge the water assets i.e. overflow. Overflow is the water accessible to a unit territory in mm per zone or meter per range. How much water we have? Our region is 147,181 km2 and the renewable new water accessible is around 240 km 3 with the goal that we have 1630 mm/region of renewable water.So in this unit, where are the position others nation? On the off chance that we look the over two parameters there are two distinctive basic attributes of every gathering. In the sum base division, the top-positioned nation has expansive range Russia, Canada, China, US, and Brazil are the biggest area. On the opposite side Greenland, Iceland, Guyana and Suriname has less populace thickness. On the off chance that we consider the third parameter then Columbia has the most extreme (1867 mm/region) taking after by Papua New Guinea (1730 mm/range), Iceland (1654 mm/region) then after Nepal has 1630 mm/region restoration crisp water.Although we have an inexhaustible measure of water assets, we are confronting monetary water shortage issue this is because of absence of supply over request. We have a limitation on institutional, HR and monetary abilities. Water-related subjects in my province is a hotly debated issue like Melamchi water supply extend, hydropower ventures and outside interest in this part and so on. I ask why our pioneers and specialists are continually saying we are the wealthiest nation in water assets in spite of the fact that they don't have any thought regarding how these parameters are characterized and what is our correct position.

Thapa is learning at UNESCO-IHE Establishment of Water Studies, The Netherlands
